Marie Jane Rosell Jaime is a 24 year old mom from La Trinidad, Benguet, Philippines. Marie Jane Rosell also known as MJ (living with this name for 4 years now) or Rosell (a name known to her relatives and school friends) has a two year old son. She is a registered nurse but chose to work as a data entry operator for practicality reasons. She has been working online since 2009.
This blog was started mainly because she wanted to share her learning and experiences on makeup. She loves watching Youtube gurus and learns how to apply makeup through their tutorials. She is also dreaming to upload videos on Youtube as well.
MJ is an artist at heart. She loves making crafts for all occasions. A new venture in her life is starting very very soon!
Aside from working online and blogging, she is also an online entrepreneur. She is currently selling through her FB pages (Treasures to Keep and Women's Little Pleasures).
MJ is a dreamer and still wanting to accomplish things that would make her happy!
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